Mommarazzi!™ Photo Workshop
by Cain Images
Saturday May 6, 2017 10am
Tyler State Park
Newtown, Pa.
Each Additional Child $5
Over the last few days I’ve photographed a few baseball games. It’s actually one of my favorite sports to photograph. Mainly, because of the love I had playing the game in my early 20’s. Although, I pretty much rode the bench, except for that one time….
Picture it: 1987. I’m at the plate. First at bat ever in organized baseball. Take a called strike. Then take another. Count is zero balls and two strikes. And just before the next pitch, the umpire calls the game due to darkness. And that was that. Never played again. It took me a year to make the team, and finally got a shot and it was gone like that.
Anyhow back to shooting. Here is some video and stills from the past weekend. Slide shows and videos.
[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000tApsZnMA.JM” g_name=”Quakertown-Defeats-Oley-Topton-12-0-in-Region-2-America-Legion-Playoff” f_show_caption=”t” f_show_slidenum=”t” img_title=”f” pho_credit=”f” f_link=”t” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”t” f_fullscreen=”t” f_topbar=”t” f_bbar=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” fsvis=”f” width=”600″ height=”450″ f_constrain=”t” bgcolor=”#AAAAAA” btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” crop=”t” trans=”xfade” tbs=”3000″ f_ap=”t” bgtrans=”f” linkdest=”c” twoup=”f” f_bbarbig=”” f_show_watermark=”f” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”f” f_up=”f” target=”_self” wmds=”llQ6QNgpeC.p1Ucz7U.f319uErjJQsoX_.tMNRS61FhSVG_g_P0FWBi4CBS8qAG0Smt.fA–” ]
[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000h9_gJ2zMIEU” g_name=”Hatfield-Loses-In-American-Legion-Playoff” f_show_caption=”t” f_show_slidenum=”t” img_title=”f” pho_credit=”f” f_link=”t” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”t” f_fullscreen=”t” f_topbar=”t” f_bbar=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” fsvis=”f” width=”600″ height=”450″ f_constrain=”t” bgcolor=”#AAAAAA” btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” crop=”t” trans=”xfade” tbs=”3000″ f_ap=”t” bgtrans=”f” linkdest=”c” twoup=”f” f_bbarbig=”” f_show_watermark=”f” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”f” f_up=”f” target=”_self” wmds=”llQ6QNgpeC.p1Ucz7U.f319uErjJQsoX_.tMNRSm7CwcW39a2lPT0xdoI25LBB9V3lvTVQ–” ]
[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000QSUNzNEeiSg” g_name=”Levittown-Defeats-Upper-Moreland-6-0-in-Pendel-League-Baseball” f_show_caption=”t” f_show_slidenum=”t” img_title=”f” pho_credit=”f” f_link=”t” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”t” f_fullscreen=”t” f_topbar=”t” f_bbar=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” fsvis=”f” width=”600″ height=”450″ f_constrain=”t” bgcolor=”#AAAAAA” btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” crop=”t” trans=”xfade” tbs=”3000″ f_ap=”t” bgtrans=”f” linkdest=”c” twoup=”f” f_bbarbig=”” f_show_watermark=”f” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”f” f_up=”f” target=”_self” wmds=”llQ6QNgpeC.p1Ucz7U.f319uErjJQsoX_.tMNRSfDI4c57mWeQz0jKO4ILrIe4_Tw04gtQ–” ]
A group of plungers run into the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain)
A group of plungers exit the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain)
Judy Misoyianis of Vincenttown, New Jersey and Dennis Hart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania dressed as Baby Boomers exit the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain)
From left, Amber Kenney, Karli Krug and Adam Bockius exit the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain)
600 souls braved 32 degree water temperatures to plunge into the Delaware River and raise money for Special Olympics on Saturday at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem.
They helped raise $120,000 during Pennsylvania Special Olympics’ Eighth Annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge.
For $50 per person, a person could take a dip in the freezing river for a good cause.
Participants waded and splashed their way out into the water and around a banana rescue boat while high-fiving officers as they exited the frigid water.
Members of trevose fire company wore white wedding gowns into the water.
Hot chocolate and coffee was served by duke donuts, a sponsor of the event.
A group of plungers run into the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain) (William Thomas Cain/Cain Images)
A group of plungers exit the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain) (William Thomas Cain/Cain Images)
Judy Misoyianis of Vincenttown, New Jersey and Dennis Hart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania dressed as Baby Boomers exit the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain) (William Thomas Cain/Cain Images)
From left, Amber Kenney, Karli Krug and Adam Bockius exit the 32 degree Delaware River during the eighth annual Eastern Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) Saturday January 30, 2016 at Neshaminy State Park in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain) (William Thomas Cain/Cain Images)
600 souls braved 32 degree water temperatures to plunge into the delaware river and raise money for special olympics on saturday at neshaminy state park in bensalem.
they helped raise $120,000 during pennsylvania special olympics’ eighth annual eastern polar bear plunge.
for $50 per person, a person could take a dip in the freezing river fir a good cause.
participants waded and splashed their way out into the water and around a banana rescue boat while high-fiving officers as they exited the frigid water.
members of trevose fire company wore white wedding gowns into the water.
hot chocolate and coffee was served by duke donuts, a sponsor of the event.
Watermarks. I’m not a fan and really don’t like using them. But, when it comes to protecting our copyrights, incidents of late have made me rethink our whole policy.
While I can appreciate the fact that someone likes and wants to share an image, I can not allow theft of our images. There are sharing icons under an image for just that reason. If a person shares our images via one of those links, they and I can be assured that whomever sees the image will be viewing it as intended and that our copyrights are protected. One of the features of our host for galleries is those images can not be downloaded. In the past that was enough of a deterrent.
Recently, someone that we photographed made a frame grab of an image on one of our galleries and uploaded it to Facebook. They didn’t attribute the image, just posted it. Aside from the fact that the person did not have permission, one of the problems I have is the fact that the frame grab is not a finished product and totally misrepresents our work. The image file size is at least 3,800 pixels wide when I upload to my site. Most times when viewing on my site the image will display at at least 900 pixels wide. Those images are optimized for viewing on the site at that size. Then someone views the image on their iPhone and makes a frame capture of that picture. That image size is roughly 400 pixels wide. When posting the image on Facebook it looks nothing like we originally intend or want.
When we do find that someone has posted one of our images on Facebook without permission, we immediately report it and have it removed from Facebook.
There is a huge expense in producing high resolution images. Each camera costs at least $3,000 and then you factor in travel time, fuel, tolls, insurance, car insurance, etc., it adds up quickly. We can’t allow people to STEAL images from our site and post them somewhere without our permission.
We reserve the right to control how an image is reproduced because that is how we stay in business.
It seems that people generally do not understand that when we make a picture, we own the copyright of the image as well as the right to reproduce that image any way we see fit. We may chose to have an agreement, in writing that the client can reproduce the image, but that is at our discretion. And the client NEEDs to have permission via a written LICENSE to reprint pictures.
So, for those reasons, you may see some of our gallery images now feature a watermark like the one above. Proof CD’s will also now come with watermarked images.
Print orders will not be watermarked.
I do apologize for any inconvenience, but we need to protect our work and copyrights.
Please do not infringe upon our copyrighted work.
Can you tell if this was lit by natural or artificial light?
Allot of times photography is about finding the light. Sure a good subject helps, but the right light can make an image pop. That was the case when I photographed the Das family in Tyler State Park in newtown, Pennsylvana recently. For the first 10-15 minutes of the shoot I walked around with the couple placing them in various nooks and crannies of the park until I found the perfect spot. My goal was to make the couple look as though I had lit them with studio strobes. I believe that’s what I achieved in the image below.
Full gallery @
Met and photographed a lovely couple and their adorable daughter. I met the Defelice family at Tyler State Park in Newtown, Pennsylvania for a photo shoot. While the weather was excruciatingly humid, the baby and the family was cool. This enabled me to make some cute pix in the park. Check them out @
Full gallery @
Originally married 5 years ago, the Frascella family had been photographed at the formal gardens on the campus of Bucks County Community College. The photographer they hired had a problem with a disc, so the couple had no images from their portrait session as well as other gaping holes in their wedding photographey coverage from the day.
On Thursday in between thunderstorms, I was able to squeeze in a photo shoot with them at the college. I had them walk through the gardens and act like I wasn’t there and just enjoy each other’s company, eventually while dodging rain drops. There are some really nice moments that show their personalities as well as love for each other.
This may fill some of the gaps, but the original photographer should have attempted to try to help them out a bit more then saying, “sorry, we had a problem.”
See the gallery @