Years ago, I recall Higbee Beach being known as a nude only fishing shoes were popular, lewd along the tip of Cape May Point in New Jersey. Seems about ten years ago, that changed. Now it is a hub for people that are looking for a quiet spot to sunbath and bring your dog. Fisherman even bring heir poles. The beach is straight across from the Cape May – Lewes Ferry. And sometimes the horns from the ferry are a bit loud. I made some pix. It was the first time I had been back to this beach in about 10 years. Looks pretty much the same.[photoshelter-gallery g_id=”G0000We9nYEByOCA” g_name=”Sunbathers-At-Higbee-Beach-in-Cape-May-New-jersey” f_show_caption=”t” f_show_slidenum=”t” img_title=”f” pho_credit=”f” f_link=”t” f_enable_embed_btn=”t” f_send_to_friend_btn=”t” f_fullscreen=”t” f_topbar=”t” f_bbar=”t” f_htmllinks=”t” fsvis=”f” width=”600″ height=”450″ f_constrain=”t” bgcolor=”#AAAAAA” btype=”old” bcolor=”#CCCCCC” crop=”t” trans=”xfade” tbs=”3000″ f_ap=”t” bgtrans=”f” linkdest=”c” twoup=”f” f_bbarbig=”” f_show_watermark=”f” f_smooth=”f” f_mtrx=”f” f_up=”f” target=”_self” wmds=”llQ6QNgpeC.p1Ucz7U.f31DCOYyTpFykMgj045ynBqXsnyeb6Mg8r2RVRd.PJV4.qnqoBw–” ]
Tag: point
Hot, Heat, Inner Tubing
It’s hot out. Which got me thinking about tubing down the Delaware River to keep cool. That led me to some images I made of people doing just that.

A staff member moves inner tubes back into a pile at Bucks County River Country along the Delaware River in Tinicum, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain/Cain Images) (William Thomas Cain)

A man chooses an inner tube at Bucks County River Country along the Delaware River in Tinicum, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain/Cain Images) (William Thomas Cain)

People await a bus to drive them to the drop off site at Bucks County River Country along the Delaware River in Tinicum, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain/Cain Images) (William Thomas Cain)

A boy tubing down the Delaware River in Tinicum, Pennsylvania. (Photo by William Thomas Cain/Cain Images) (William Thomas Cain)