Over the years I’ve photographed some sick stuff and strange people. One of the most haunting events I ever covered was an Anerican Nazi Party rally at, of all places, Valley Forge National Park in 2004. The hatred in these people makes no sense to me. To me, people are people, I don’t care what color or religion or political party. People are still just people. Not sure I can categorize these folks as people though. The first image with the kid on the fathers shoulder is just plain haunting. EVerytime I look at the expression on the kids face I think of Damien, from the Omen films back in the 70’s. I wonder if this child, who’d have to be at least 18 years old by now has learned top spew the hatred that his parents taught him. And I hope, he hasn’t become that way and learned to see people as people. My gut tells me he probably didn’t and the cycle of hatred continues.
The story behind my getting this pic is that I had to use the bathroom. For some reason, I left me camera around my neck. The park rangers kept us pretty much away from the activities that day, but I really had to take a leak. One of the rangers “escorted” me to the restroom. These idiots arrived late for the rally. Bam, I had my pic that represents the sadness I see here.
The second pic is just annoying. These people started to praise Hitler. And the dude started throwing his arm out. I got in his face and shot wide. Another crazy piece of madness.
Third shows some idiot holding a Nazi flag.
Sadly, this still exists today. Some day, maybe the world will grow up. And we can all live peacefully, in harmony. Roddenbery had a great idea, too bad we haven’t been smart enough to live that way. Some day…maybe. I hope. No, I pray….

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